If you want to know what makes Montana Mist Goldens stand apart from all of the rest....
Check out our many satisfied client's testimonials and pictures below!
At Montana Mist Goldens EVERY ONE of our puppy parents become a part of our family
for the life of their sweet Montana Mist Treasure!!!
"Hi Judy Dover is such a loving and playful little fellow. He loves to be held, and he really loves to eat. He has been learning some commands, such as sit, stay, and come.
He has been a great joy in our lives. Here are some photos I took yesterday. The fall colors had peaked a week or so ago, so they were not as vibrant.
I put one of Tassie with Dover so she wouldn't feel left out.
Thanks Judy. Hope all is going great with you and your family.."
Lon and Tricia Cummings
Oroville, Washington
Well, Maggie passed her Puppy Wellness Check with flying colors. The doctor commented how pleased she was with your preparation and support and I want to thank you very much for your attention to detail and help--Thanks.
She's been home for 30 minutes now and already destroyed two of the chewy bones I had in her cage and hard at work on the third. I can see my bill for chewy bones is going to be a major expense!! ;) She only cried for about five minutes as I drove away from your home and has been quiet every since.
So long and thanks a lot for your help. If you should ever need a recommendation please do not hesitate one second in referring them to me. I'll be glad to vouch for you 100 percent.
Dave Walker
Missoula, MT
Hi Judy, My little Fanta is a beautiful and friendly sweet girl. She loves to give kisses and loves people. Fanta gets along with all of the other animals we have. I am enjoying playing and watching her grow up. I am so thankful I got a Montana Mist puppy.
Carly ~ Alberta, Canada
Hi Judy,
Here are a couple of pictures, but we will hopefully send you a few more close ups of Maddie sooner than later. She is a wonderful pup and doing fantastic. Well....except for going on walks and short jogs! As you can see from our picture, she has a certain affinity for being strolled or carried :o) Last night she did her first jog with me and made it one loop around our neighborhood (1/3 mile), with some little incentive treats of course! We are being careful to go slowly with her and certainly no farther than that for now until her little puppy bones grow a little more. She is learning to sit, especially before she receives her meals (which for her is a big deal, considering she inhales every bit of it like her last meal was days, rather than hours ago!). She is also learning to lie down, stay, off (usually from Annalise's high chair - a wonderful source of secret snacks!), and her crate and potty training have advanced quickly. She loves to play, and we are really working to replace her mouthing of us, with her toys. We are having a lot of fun with her and really enjoy how much she likes to snuggle. She is such a baby :o) Loves to be tucked into her crate at night, then have one of us sit by her until she falls asleep (which only takes a few minutes) with her "lovee" (a washcloth).
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying Spring!
Blessings, Molly and family ~ Inchelium, WA
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